08-29-2008, 02:22 PM
1. Not quite, I had a waitress ask my fiance in Japanese if it was okay for me to use chopsticks. And in Seattle, at a Japanese restaurant they gave my fiance chopsticks and me a fork. Also, pretty much the first time I ate a meal with someone in Japan they would ask if I could use chopsticks.
2. No but my Fiance was a little suprised when I made rice with dinner when she was here. She thought I did it because of her, not because that is how I make that dish. She didn't realize that rice is a popular food and thought American's mostly ate bread and pasta instead.
4. It is more like they refusing to let you practice Japanese by them speaking English. Most of the time I will try to respond in Japanese to their English, but I did have a woman tell me not to speak in Japanese at all because she wanted to practice her English.
With the exception of 5 I understand why someone that is Japanese or has heard stories about certain behaviors towards westerners might ask these questions. They are simply exagerations of reactions that a Japanese person with limited contact with foreigners might have.