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yuujirou (Offline)
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08-29-2008, 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I can understand that. People do look at you funny and you get a lot of unwanted attention. It's an unpleasant thing that just comes with dressing a way people don't expect you to, but I guess over the years you get used to it. I'd rather like people for me so if they can't see past how I dress then I don't think their worth bothering with, though if you really like someone it can make you more shy to show them how you really are. To be honest, it pisses my Mum off more when people stare than it does me! Nobody I know dresses the same, and that's fine, but if people have something against it then I'd rather not know them
hmm... can't say i think the same..... lmao xD
i enjoy dressing 'exotically' just because...
i like being different xD
(this, in no way, means i'm the guy too just throw random crap on... i am VERY picky w/ my fashion... =.=)
and... when people stare~
i personally enjoy the attention~ lol xD haha.... ^^'
*one time i walked through the local mall w/ a kitty outfit (ears, collar w/ bell, and a tail) on~ i pretty much winked at most everyone that looked at me, or i posed, or i just acted extremely... .... cute xD; yes, i'm an attention whore, lol*

my gf is like just the opposite though...
she enjoys dressing the way she does...
but she doesn't care what others think

nice couple ne? o.o'

*OH another note. those who can't stand the way you dress or something about you... i agree that they're not worth anyone's time and best off ignoring them....
personally i either tease them and try too rub it in their faces ^^" *

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