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AoiSekai (Offline)
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08-29-2008, 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by Cyasarin View Post
When I think of Japan, I think of Tokyo with tall buildings and neon lights and a whole bunch of people. [Makes me feel a bit claustrophobic.] I also think of anime, people in harajuku and visual kei outfits, and Asian girls with super hot hair on cell phones. I also think of cherry blossoms, chop sticks and sushi and I seriously do think of those cool little square Asian plates they have. I love those things! I wish I had some, but I don't. XP
Yeah, I don't think of shrines and temples and ancient Japanese stuff that much like I should. I think of a more modern day Japan than an ancient Japan.
I think the same but without the claustrophobia! ^_^

Hihi people of the world...
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