Originally Posted by Sangetsu
It was previously mentioned the permanent residency can be obtained in 5 years, but that is often not the case. The 5 year clock applies to your visa type. If you have a student visa for 2 years, and a then change to a work visa, the 5 years starts again with the new visa. There are people who have lived in Japan for 10 years or more who have not been able to get permanent residency.
Technically, you have to give up your previous nationality when you become a permanent resident, but that rule is one of those many laws which Japan seems to turn a blind eye to.
You can get a home with a yard in Japan if you are willing to live some distance from the metro areas. The average price of an older 3 room home with a small yard where I live (1 hour from Tokyo) is about $90,000. Not very expensive, and easy enough to afford if you don't mind commuting an hour each way to the city every day, or can find work in your own community.
To finance a house, you'll need to have permanent residency, banks will not give loans to foreigners living in Japan on a visa.
As you are probably aware, the easiest job for foreigners to get in Japan is teaching English. There are many jobs available, and the pay is not bad. But judging by your post, your English needs quite a bit of improvement. Almost all schools will look at your application/cover letter/resume carefully, and evaluate it for spelling and grammar mistakes. Some schools will require you write an essay, such as "Why I want to live in Japan".
Ty your the 1 helpful person in this thread, you did not judge you actually gave a general idea, which is all I really want Ty Very Much
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