Thread: Screw
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(#666 (permalink))
clairebear (Offline)
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Location: Scotland
08-29-2008, 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by Sketchy View Post
Who? What? Where? When? How?

Originally Posted by adina View Post
Yesss it's a must cause I'm a little disappointed in their photobook.I thought we'll have new pics XDDD
-runs in circles-.
I can't wait to see it ^_^~

Awww you're right???He does look nicer.He looks more childish XD

Yeah I know ... she's pretty busy -nods-
*gives porn to Kazuki* XD
He looks hotter XD But he looks hot with blonde hair too ~

Not as hot as Byou though ;')

I hope she visits here again sometime soon..xD I kinda miss her random fangirling over Kazuki ;P

*gives porn to Byou*..oh wait..he doesnt need that..*throws porn away and drags Byou to the bedroom* -cough- >.>

Privacy, please XD -covers the keyhole-
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