08-29-2008, 09:19 PM
Lucky Star episode 01
Michael Jackson:What Really Happened
Wizards and Warriors 2 The Kidnap 3-5-1983
Wizards and Warriors 3 The Rescue 3-12-1983
Stargate Atlantis 5.06 The Shrine
Ferris Bueller 07 Ferris Bueller Can't Win 10-22-1990
Ferris Bueller 01 Pilot 8-23-1990
Ferris Bueller 02 Behind Every Dirtbag 9-17-1990
Ferris Bueller 03 Custodian of the People 9-24-1990
Wizards and Warriors 1 The Unicorn of Death
i didn't even know that Ferris Bueller was a TV series!

i'm looking for friends who speak Japanese. I am learning Japanese on my own, using books and Pimsleur's Speak and Learn Japanese. But i am only on lesson12, so i'm not very good. I just learned how to ask about time. There are NO Japanese speakers in my area, but a Japanese shop 40 miles south in Cary. If you know of any Japanese events in Raleigh, especially NORTH Raleigh, NC, PLEASE lmk! TIA!