Originally Posted by Pray
If she said that directly ok w/e. But although she has been very helpful to some , i fell that she is only trying to discourage me from ever thinking about Japan, because she hasn't stated anything helpful. (i guess you could consider her saying i need a degree, but um i know that and made it obvious before she posted) Also it would be nice is some won actually stated the steps, all not just get a degree and job, LoL same shit as every won has said yet all have failed to actually say requirements, hmm.. I guess no won knows on this forum
Steps of what? To become a citizen? Contact a Japanese consulate or a branch of Japanese immigration? No one on this website is a bureaucrat in the Japanese immigration system. People have been nice to give you some advice, but if it's not good enough for you, go to the source.
Maybe Japan doesn't want an uneducated foreigner with a poor attitude.