Thread: Screw
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(#670 (permalink))
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adina (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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08-31-2008, 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by clairebear View Post

He looks hotter XD But he looks hot with blonde hair too ~

Not as hot as Byou though ;')

I hope she visits here again sometime soon..xD I kinda miss her random fangirling over Kazuki ;P

*gives porn to Byou*..oh wait..he doesnt need that..*throws porn away and drags Byou to the bedroom* -cough- >.>

Privacy, please XD -covers the keyhole-
Well you're right!!! x33.He should dye his hair brown again XDD

Naughty naughty Claire
Hey why did you cover the keyhole??Did you know I wanted to look?? XD

Originally Posted by jrocker21 View Post
pfft.. PORN??? *takes away*
that's not satisfying enough.. *throws self to kazuki*

sorry for my absence.. been busy, i actually got the time to be on jf.

jin.. looks hawt in that photo..
though i haven't seen recent ones..*shrugs shoulders*
Aww you were here <333.
Hahaha XDDD

They all look hot actually!!
I found the new scans from Shoxx,so you can see how they look -nods-

Jin's thighs <3333
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