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Henbaka (Offline)
Dark Passenger
Posts: 472
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Tokyo
08-31-2008, 11:44 AM

I'm in a similar position. At what Univ did you get in btw? I'm at Waseda.

First off, don't Aussies get any kind of student loans that could cover your expenses? Or is it that you don't wanna loan money? I'm gonna live on my loans/support money mainly, and also money I've worked up.

Contact the school to see what their dorms cost. I don't think theyre that expensive (I think Wasedas are just under 60k yen /month). Well, it's not cheap either, but as it is a big city like Tokyo you really can't expect anything else.

You're right to not hold your breath for JASSO, and I don't think you're gonna get it unfortenately. My university advisor said those mostly go to people from poorer countries.

I can't give any real numbers on living expenses, but I'm sure others here can.

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