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Nyororin (Offline)
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08-31-2008, 01:14 PM

Thank you, Paul11 and MMM... And everyone else who realizes that I`m not trying to butcher this girl`s "dreams".

Also it would be nice is some won actually stated the steps, all not just get a degree and job, LoL same shit as every won has said yet all have failed to actually say requirements, hmm.. I guess no won knows on this forum
You just don`t get it, do you. Those ARE the requirements. Those are necessary. They`re not a "path". Those are the things you need to do. You need a degree to get a job in order to get a visa.
I`m not going to give you a life plan. It`s up to you to get a degree and advance yourself. No one on this forum can help with that.

Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, people are all telling you the "same shit" because that IS what you need to do? If you`re looking for a path other than that, good luck because there really isn`t one. You said you were just "trying to get an idea" - I think that we`ve given you one, and you just don`t like it.

There is no real point in giving you detailed directions when you still have years to go before you are anywhere near being able to carry any of them out. Especially as laws change and are changing quite a bit these days.

Either way - I said that you are nowhere near the point that you should be thinking about citizenship. Which is, without a doubt, entirely true. I never said you shouldn`t go to Japan. I never said there was no hope or chance of you doing so. I said that you`re jumping way ahead of yourself and should focus on the steps in between. Dreams are great as a final goal to inspire you. But that`s not what you`re doing. You want detailed directions for the final distant step.

And you STILL haven`t answered my questions - Why do you want to live in a country you have never been to, know little about, and don`t speak the language of? If those are questions you cannot answer, you DO need to rethink things quite a bit.

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
Yeah, things can get rough on this forum, but maybe you should consider why they may be so negative abpout your dream. Ask yourself, honostly if it's a reasonably attainable one. Maybe they are telling you it's almost impossible to do the way you invision it.
She asked how hard it would be - I told her that it was pretty much impossible as is, and that in order to make it possible, she should focus on those steps she CAN do now. Apparently this isn`t what she wanted to hear. Oh well.

Nyororin and MMM are usualy pretty solid in thier assessments (except about Obama)
I haven`t been following the US election stuff, so I have no opinion on either side.

As a side note... If anyone wants to see me actually being mean to someone, do a search for posts by kawaiineko.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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