Thread: Trader in Japan
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berrio (Offline)
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Trader in Japan - 08-31-2008, 03:12 PM

I'm a futures trader in Europe (Portugal) and have been thinking of rellocating to Japan - I know the culture, country and know how hard it can be being a gaijin on those islands, but I have a deep fascination for the country and culture [and yes I know it is not paradise... I'm also an anime fan but do have a brain ].

My question is simple [and I apologize if this question was already brought up]:
I have a 4 year degree in Economics and am finishing a post-grad in finance. I also have work experience in hedge funds/trading. I'm making plans to move to Japan (the plan is to live and work and learn there for some years) and am wondering how hard will it be to find a job [in my field preferably] and apply for a work Visa in Japan.

Guilherme Diaz-BĂ©rrio
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