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What is the one thing you HATE most about anime? - 08-31-2008, 07:27 PM

What is the ONE thing that annoys the hell out of you in anime.


The cop out (vague) ending.

In the animes I've seen, it's most prevalent in harem animes. Instead of growing a pair and just choosing a girl for the main character to be with, they're so afraid of alienating the fans of the other girls that they just end it with the male lead being "more than friends but less than lovers" with ALL the girls, because the male lead doesn't want to hurt any of the girls feelings. Harem animes are my favorite, but it's getting to be that they all end the SAME WAY! They are losing my interest because there is never a relationship formed at the end. It's always the same cop out ending.

Harem animes aren't the only perpetrators in this. This seems to be a growing trend in anime I've seen. The writers leave the ending vague for the viewer to "draw their own conclusions". I DON'T WANT TO DRAW MY OWN CONCLUSION!!! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT F***ING HAPPENS!!! If I wanted to draw my own conclusions, I'll write a fanfic. I want to know for a fact what happens to the characters and their relationships.

There is nothing that pisses me off more than one of those vague cop out endings.

Teach me Japanese (Skype: davidh053090 )
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