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kawn4 (Offline)
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09-01-2008, 10:06 AM

Weee.. I could feel love flowing around.. -ghey love-..

Now everyone has unique piercing(s) except for Jyou O_o;;
Naoto's piercings remains but is not scary anymore.. ;DDD and she look so hugable!! may I...? LOL ;x
And I like Mally's new piercing XDD (I actually thought she wouldn't pierce.. but I guess I'm wrong. ;3)

there's nothing we won't accept you for..
we're more than happy to see more fans.. XDD

by the way.. I'd really appreciate if people don't mention their Europe tour..
I know it's something to be happy about.. but I'm still somewhat affected when it comes to the fact that I can't see them.
Sorry but no offense, really.. -peace-

Anyway, I don't think cameras or any electronics are allowed. I think that applies to all kind of concerts.
you pay for ur own enjoyment..
unless u have some special tickets or anything where u could interact with the band or something..(not sure about this one)

edit :
Wahahaha.. they all are..
I love them all.. but but I still died when it comes to Omi...
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