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(#693 (permalink))
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MissHoneyBeeee (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 548
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: on the face of the earth
09-01-2008, 09:25 PM

aww, wrist straps and charms r awesome D: too bad u can't

i'd get urs so i could text u, but i don't hav a cell phone yet xD *hates being too young for one* unless i took my mom's cell phone and used it xD

thanks i hope to get it started sometime this month at least, cuz i want it ready by halloween that would be so funny to walk around with a kitty hat that looks like it's eating my head xD AND YES, MAYA IS ADORABLE i like candy, and he's eatin' a lolipop, so yeah... lolies..... *__* (*jk*)

GAWD, I WISH I WENT TO SCHOOL WITH U! xD that would rock, cuz we could walk around with our harajuku-styled clothing and get the freakiest looks ever and we wouldn't care i hope u hav fun! make many many frieeeeeeeeeends *is almost gonna start her third week of school tomorrow and so far made one friend xD*
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