Originally Posted by Yuna7780
Sometimes, I just wish we all lived in the same town to make real plans for the LoliPLAN. XDD
Anyway, while I was busy doing homework and going to tennis today, I won against my first real match 6-1, 6-2. Plus, the anime club meeting today, and the club is officially fucked up. I'm going to create a manga club in my school and Japanese culture club. ^^
Back on topic (?), I'm creating more plans for fun accessories and stuff to make for Lolita-ness. When I finish my pop-tart... Thing's'll be all cool.
Yea, for cereals....and congrats on your win.
Your lucky, my school aint got an anime club and we have to have ___ amount of signatures for our principal to even consider it. so it aint gonna happen soon....we aint even got a soccer team
I still haven't found a lolita dress that I like...and that I think would suit me. I've found plenty of pretty ones but none that I think would look good on me.
I'm not creative so I can't think of anything to make but I'm gonna attmept to amke a bunny plushie with random fabric swatches I find