Originally Posted by Nyororin
To answer your questions:
- I am totally fluent, although my handwriting skills could use a little polishing. --; I`m good enough that no one can tell over the phone or intercom.
- I never use English, unless I am online or talking with someone else whose first language is English/can speak better English than Japanese... Which is around once every 3 months. Our home life is 100% in Japanese.
- Japanese citizenship is not an easy thing to get, I`m still in the paperwork stage. If you`re from one of the participating countries, you don`t even need a visa for a 3 month stay.
- I am not and have absolutely no plans to become an English teacher. (Although I did work part time as one for a bit to save money for our move. NEVER AGAIN!!!) If you actually want to learn Japanese and have a life... Do not, I repeat, DO NOT be an English teacher in Japan. You will be speaking simple English 99% of the day, and end up hanging out with other teachers all the time - you`d do better to stay at home and study alone. Plus it seems like most of the people who do come to Japan to be teachers hate Japan and just want to make a bunch of money to take home. Seriously, they all seem to bash Japan left and right.
- My life now is quite wonderful.  We own a home with a YARD (A big thing in Japan), have lots of cool stuff, and I`m really truly happy.
I don't necessarily agree. I find that I really enjoy teaching. I have a degree in English, which somewhat limits my opportunities back home, but it opens a lot of doors in Japan. I'll admit my Japanese skills aren't that great, but they are improving regularly, being the only foreigner in the area makes speaking Japanese rather necessary.
As for those sad souls on gaijinpot, I know many of them, and they would be just as unhappy at home (and a few are) as they have been in Japan. The fact that they are/were teachers in not really relevant.
My own upbringing was not very pleasant; you can't pick your parents, and there are no entitlements. You simply have to take what you are given and try to make the best of it. That said, I wouldn't have had it any other way. It seems that many who come from "perfect" families are often the most dysfunctional of people.
I enjoy my life in Japan very much as well, but I wasn't unhappy with my own country when I left. A variety of circumstances occurred, and I'm here. Moments come from time to time when I wonder how my life's road happened to lead me here, but it has, and I'm happy for it. I haven't had a dull moment since I arrived, I've made many friends since that time (all Japanese, as I said, I don't know any foreigners here), and I often need a day off from my days off just to catch up on a little rest.
For those of you who are dreaming of coming here, Japan is not some fantasy land where everything is perfect. Happiness is not a place that exists outside yourself.