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noodle (Offline)
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09-04-2008, 08:03 AM

Am I proud of my country... Born in Algeria, lived in the UK most of my life, and now living in France... I don't like the idea of country. My people, Berbers (aka Imazighen) haven't had a country as such for 5 thousand years until the past 2 centuries. In fact, Imazighen means Free Men. Therefore, I am neither proud nor "not proud" (sounds weird saying that...) of Algeria. Looking at Algeria now, it's going down the path of hell. It has terrorists everywhere, it's not safe, and my generation or younger only have 2 thoughts on their mind constantly... Suicide or going abroad.

However, with all that said, I love the UK. I learnt a lot about myself here and it allowed me to grow up healthy and in a safe environment.

France... It's tough. I am proud of the French medical system because if it weren't for their world class doctors, I would have died as an infant. Other than that, I don't really have any opinions on France...

If anything, I am proud of my heritage, but not really proud of a country(s)

Last edited by noodle : 09-04-2008 at 02:39 PM.