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09-04-2008, 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Also I've heard that America's health care system is a shambles. It's definitely the most expensive system but I've also heard that it's the most inefficient as well. A visit to the doctor and treatment for a working class American on minimum wage can often total more than he or she earns in a week!
Yes, It can be expensive because its through private companies, not the government. The health industry is a business and thats how it should stay. If we had (i dont know why I can't think of the term, is it centralized?) a health care system provided by the government, the cost would be lower, but the quality of the doctors and treatment would decrease significantly. Competition promotes a higher quality product and service. If there is no competition, there is no reason to create a better product or better service. However, how the hospitals are forced to help illegal immigrants is unselfish, its wrong. We should be more selfish in that aspect. They get so many things for free and are let go of many other hassles that citizens have to deal with, because we aren't doing anything about it. It isn't fair for people who immigrated to the country legal, or people born here. Especially knowing that they're getting all these free things from my money. I'm paying for it. I hate knowing that part of my paycheck, about 30%, is being taken out to pay for their shit. I'd rather see it being used elsewhere. They say they came here to live a better life. That's cool, come over here legally, because your making our lives worse! And because you may have a bad life, doesn't mean they can do whatever they want. I'm tired of paying for their shit.