09-04-2008, 10:53 PM
Name: Ali
Age: 14
Favourite Type of Lolita: Gothic Lolita
Favourite Lolita Brand: Angelic Pretty
Favourite Lolita Store: if it counts "Gothic Lolita Bible"
Favourite Colours: Blue, Silver, White Gold, Silver-Green, Dark Blue, and Purple-Black
Likes: Horses, languages, travel, writing, reading, Japan, anime, manga, music, friends, culture, and cinema.
and Dislikes: Hypocrites, stereotypes, ignorance, arrogance
"If I could follow my heart again it would be yours
with every breath I would find a way to love you more" ~With You by Josh Groban
"With you I have everything I have ever wanted. Simple and true. With loving eyes so beautiful." ~ With You by Josh Groban