Originally Posted by nanas
It is lovely! At my age I could care less what people think I wore the outfit I made out shopping and to the post office! And my daughter had a lil puffy dress on so we made quite a pair lol!
Yeah I don't care either! Sometimes [depending on which area] it's not safe to draw attention to yourself, not that I care about people staring and so on. Recently there has been a lot of violent crimes commited against people who dress differently, a girl was stamped to death a few months ago, and just recently a man had his ear cut off because he was 'goth.' My area is good but if you stray into other places I can imagine it happening, and it's a shame that you can't really be yourself but I'd rather be safe than wear a dress that's going to bring that kind of attention.
Man's ear cut off in horrific assault on campers in park - Yorkshire Post
BBC NEWS | England | Lancashire | Goth clothes 'prompted killing'
Originally Posted by Emmiechan
my best friends Angelina and I are staring up a gothic, sweet and white lolita brand called Poisin Apple (it was the only thing i could think of because she lefe me in charge of names!!)
i can't post pics but we have lots of ideas....
love your opinions anyone!! 
That sounds awesome! I really love the name ~
Originally Posted by gloomth
I love the dress! What a cute shape it has!!!!  Good choice.
Thanks for including my little shop on your list.
Whens your bday? Happy belated or almost!!!!!!!!
Thankyou! Yeah I wanted something that fits nicely but also doesn't show my big hips so much, and I thought the puffy dress would be good for evening out the shape a little ~
You're welcome ^_^
Thanks! My birthday is actually a few months away, but since it's my 18th I'm planning ahead a lot so it goes right ~
Originally Posted by nanas
I am so jelous! LOL. I have so many Ideas for clothing just lack training(I mostly teach myself) But hopefully by next year I'll go back to college an start an art and fashion degree
Yeah that would be good, I also do art and we could do fashion if we wanted to, I was thinking of doing about the Japanese clothing styles and also stuff like Punk and Goth because it's really interesting espeically to people who don't know much about it.
Welcome to the clan TokyoRain and MissHoney