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(#124 (permalink))
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RegPaq (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
09-05-2008, 07:17 AM

to everyone who replied to me,

Thank you, socialized was the term i was looking for! I think everyone is entitled to healthcare if they pay for it. I don't want to pay for theirs. They can either pay for the health care here, like everyone else, or go back to their country and get it. Every case isn't an accident where they need treatment right away or they die. People know they need health care, for instance having to take pills everyday or giving birth. Before they come here, they know they are getting it for free, too. They know they can work and not have to pay taxes. Its why they come. There life before isn't necessarily shit. Like what someone said before, its what your born into and we each have to deal with it.

What I mean by free health care, is that you can go and get it whenever and is basically free. I know how its funded, through taxes. If there US had changed to a socialized health care system, income taxes would increase exponentially (to 50% even). More of my money gone. I don't need to go to the doctor all the time and pay huge fees, but regardless I would have to pay them anyway. Illegal immigrants, can go and have major procedures done and get all this medical attention for dirt cheap if not free and I'm paying for it. I want to use the money I work hard for on myself and my family, not some illegal immigrant to take advantage of these 'gaps' in our rules right now. Call me selfish, its how it should be.

Bottom line. Individuals should pay for what they get and earn what they work for.