Thread: McCain's Speech
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samurai007 (Offline)
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09-05-2008, 07:43 AM

Sarah Palin hit a grand slam with her speech. It was powerful yet funny, emotional yet also had some policy details, especially on energy, and she related her story and her goals with heart and conviction. Yeah, she took a few swipes at Obama, but after the incredible number of attacks she and her family (especially her eldest daughter and newborn son) suffered at the hands of Democrats and the media for the past week, I thought she was remarkably restrained. Don't they know that nothing riles up a mother worse than attacking her children? If Obama can't take a few jabs from Gov Palin, then he certainly isn't ready for the Presidency...

McCain's speech tonight was different, though even more moving and powerful in it's own way. Here is a man who has dedicated his entire life to his country. He's a true American hero. And his wife Cindy has done the same thing, forming organizations to help send doctors to 3rd world countries, teaching special ed kids, and more.

THESE are the kind of people we need leading America. The stark contrast between them and the ego, greed, and self-centered, self-important, America-hating, me-me-me attitude of the Obamas could not be any greater. I think a line from Gov Palin's speech sums it up best:

“There are some candidates who use change to promote their careers,” she said. “Then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.”

That is really the absolute best characterizations of the main difference between the 2 candidates I have ever heard.

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