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(#25 (permalink))
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chryuop (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 704
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Location: Oklahoma, USA
09-05-2008, 06:44 PM

I have 2 main problems, but one of those I guess it is because I am not high level yet
1_ This is the main problem and that's translating and understanding phrases. Many times I translate every word of a phrase and understand the conjugation of a verb...nothing left unknown as translation, but when I put it all together I can't get the meaning of it. For example これはジャックが造った家で棲む鼠です is one of those. I am sure had I found it without the translation I would have never gotten to the meaning...meaning that now I see very easily. I am hopeless hee hee.
2_ The presence if certain "particles" that I don't understand why they are there. Phrases that in my head work perfectly with a very basic construct, I find extra です、こと or even particles that I don't know what they are for which in my head shouldn't be there.
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