09-06-2008, 09:40 PM
Night's Death Song
The darkness of the night;
The Full moon's glow;
The black wolf's howl echoes.
Night's Death Song is about to begin.
The dark clouds enshroud the moon;
The forests become ominous;
The trees close in.
Night's Death Song is about to begin.
The black wolf's howl fades;
As a low, resonating, sound takes it's place
Silence fills the ears of man.
Night's Death Song is about to begin.
The low, resonating, sound ends
And the world falls into silence agian
Night's Death Song is about to begin...
The wind blows gently through the trees
And a shrill whistle pierces night ears
The dark clouds still shroud the moon
Night's Death Song has begun.
The low, resonating, sound begins again
Followed closely by a shrill howl
The howl from the black wolf's mouth
Night's Death Song has begun.
Man's ears are still silent
They are unable to hear Death's presence
The black wolf's howl is joined
By the laughter of something unholy
Night's Death Song has begun.
The unholyness spreads like wildfire
There is no sun to burn it away
For Death fears the sun's direct touch
Night's Death Song has begun.
Black wolf's howl
Low, resonating, sounds
Wind whistling through the trees.
Night's Death Song has begun.
But wait!
One being of pure white
She ventures out of the forest
Night's Death Song still plays
A Doe of white purity
Stands tall against Death's dark sneer
The dark sneer of Night's song
Night's Death Song still plays
The deer is a symbol
A symbol of truth
A symbol of hope
Night's Death Song still plays
What becomes of man if truth is gone?
What becomes of man if hope fades?
What becomes of man if
Night's Death Song still plays?
The doe of White seeing all
She takes no notice of those there
And continues her walk through the forest
Night's Death Song still plays
She walks between the dark trunks
Around the dark presense
And deeper into the throng
Night's Death Song still plays
The black wolf growls
The sound low, and resonating
Death bares his blood stained teeth
Night's Death Song still plays
There will be no piercing scream
There will be no saving god
There will be no mourning
Night's Death Song is reaching its peak
There will be no one there
There will be no saving love
There will be no other sacrifice
Night's Death Song is reaching its peak
There is no hope for her
There is no need to quell her wants
There is no other place for her to be
Night's Death Song is reaching its peak
There is no rain to wash away the blood
There is no preventing Death's claim
There is not a way to change her
Night's Death Song is reaching its peak
There was no discussion
There were no choices
There was no changing her fate
She made her decision
We must honor it
Night's Death Song has reached its peak
She chose her fate
She chose to give up Hope
She chose to give up Love
Night's Death Song is ending
She chose to show the world her strength
She chose to show her peace with Death
She chose to let you know her sacrifice
Night's Death Song is ending
She wanted you to know her love
She wanted you to know her power
She wanted you to see the Truth
Night's Death Song is ending
She wanted this
She accepted this
Now it's your turn
Night's Death Song has ended...
For now.
I am the demon of your nightmares; I am the demon of your fears. I am the one that brings you down. Have you looked in a mirror lately?