09-07-2008, 03:49 AM
The Ice slowly creeps once again
over the heart I thought i'd saved.
The slow burning of the frozen water
ever killing my marbled heart.
What have I ever done
to receive such a death?
What can I ever do
to earn your trust?
I will allow the Ice to creep once again
over my marbled heart of dark stone
I have had enough
of the deep longing of home
I will no longer see the way
others want me to be
I will be myself
no matter what you think
The darkness has closed in
from a past i long to forget
due to the carelessnes
of my once friend
I have heard the condemning cry
that you thought I'd never hear
Put your ear to my heart,
you'll never hear it beat
I've become
what i wished I'd overcome
But you see me tomorrow
glaring at the sun
wishing once more
That I was truly done.
I am the demon of your nightmares; I am the demon of your fears. I am the one that brings you down. Have you looked in a mirror lately?