Thread: McCain's Speech
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JF Ossan
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09-07-2008, 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
And McCain has spent his entire life putting his country first, not himself or his party. He has a long history of working with Democrats to co-author and pass bills, and he is the most centrist Republican in the Senate, having voted with his fellow Republicans only 57% of the time in 2006. He has stood up to and opposed fellow Republicans very vocally, on everything from immigration to campagn funding to the Iraq War.

By contrast, Barack is the most liberal Democrat in the Senate, voting with his own party over 95% of the time. The only bill he worked with Republicans on was a no-brainer that was easily passed by voice vote alone, nothing contentious at all. Barack has never stood up against his own party while in the Senate, and never sided with the opposition against them on anything of any importance. In fact, he very often doesn't even vote at all, just responding with "present!", as if they were taking roll call in school, not deciding matters of great importance to the country.

If unity matters to you, then select the candidate who puts country first, and whose convention shouted "USA!", instead of the candidate who is only in it for himself and who loves to hear his own name being shouted, not his country's...
Most liberal? That's a matter of opinion. As a Democrat I do like that he votes with my Democrat beliefs, where McCain is all over the board. No wonder only 25% of Republicans are committed to McCain's nomination, where 65%+ are behind Obama.

McCain appeals to the middle? Maybe that was true until he made his choice of Vice-President. She is more conservative than Obama is liberal. No abortions, even if in the cases of rape or incest? God supports the war in Iraq? Polar bears aren't endangered if they get in the way of oil drilling? Very extreme views.

Obama has never voted "present" in the US Senate. That is not an option. Check your facts on that one.

And tell me, why do Republicans chant "USA!" as a battle-cry against the Democrats? I thought you said McCain and the Republicans were trying to UNIFY America. The way those chants were used at the RNC implied that Democrats aren't patriotic and aren't true Americans. That is despicable and pathetic.

Fear-mongering or hope? Negative name-calling or positive unifying?

Fake "change" or real change.

It's not hard for me to decide.
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