Thread: Tattoo Help
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OsakaPapa (Offline)
I <3 Osaka
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09-08-2008, 07:43 AM

I have been thinking about getting a small one on my upper arm for some time now. However, I have been to onsens, and would NOT under ANY circumstances want to deny myself entry, because I know I'll be going as often as I can when I go back.

What I would get would be somewhere from 2-3 inches x 2-3 inches, so it's not very big, and could be easy covered up with a small amount of bandage or something of the sort, without looking like a gaping wound in my arm. Would something that small that can be easy bandaged with a small amount of bandage fly under the radar, or is even that a big risk?


- Studied in Tokyo for my 2007 Spring Semester. Lived in Ota-ku in the Ontakesan area. Pics can be found on my Facebook. Feel free to add me ^_^