Originally Posted by Tenchu
Yeah well, I'm just sayin it, we're all thinking it...
That movie is just a comedy.
Seriously, your remark came out of no where and was pretty misguided. You can not criticise someone for changing their mind, and I made only small changes about most things in the big picture. It is not a negative thing.
A women can sit down with a baby in one arm and a cup in the other and make a fuckload of money in Bangkok. It was been discovered that women forced into prostitution who were not making enough were instead used as beggars on the street, many with children also bought in slave trades or fuck knows where. Where a prostitute can make a company about 2,000 THB per day ($80 US) some beggard can match it with about 3,000 Baht a day if they have the right look. So you can see the problem. Giving to beggars is not only futile, yet it also half the time fuels prostitution and slave trade... things in this world are so inter twined it is hard to even step out side your door without becoming a criminal... hell, with the internet, television, even electricity you manage to fuck shit up even from the safety of your home...
Its not the that giving to individual beggars is futile but that you say "the world is full of poor, if we were to fix it all then there would be more overcrowding" etc.
Firstly, its quite evident that the amount of poor isn't going away any time soon. Even so, this in no way should deter anyone from helping someone in such a situation, if they can. In a situation where i'm faced with a dying kid for instance, it is a test for me to try and help, as much as it is for them to survive. I have the responsibility to do so as does anyone else with morals.
Secondly, the only way the situation of so many starving people would be resolved is if there was a balance in the resources on Earth. If people were happy with what they have up to a point, instead of consuming the share of someone else, then poorer people wouldn't need to breed so much for a better chance of survival. Places like India and Africa are made worse because if each family didn't have 5 kids or more, what hope would they ever have of a better future? Working in Cotton fields and shit is ridiculous for the amount that these people are paid. Why do you think there is so much child labour?
Only education can work and the reshaping of greed in society, rather than put in systems like Communism which have their own flaws.
Yes giving to individual beggars like your example is futile in the long run. That is why I rather give to charities who can improve on a certain areas situation as well as sponsor as many kids as I can at one time.
Still I was more pissed at you for wanting McCain to win, just cos you want more genocide. I know you're not a pussy like some members of this forum, who rather preach to others about killing themselves but won't consider their own advice like the little bitches they are.
Or are you?