Thread: McCain's Speech
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Henbaka (Offline)
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09-10-2008, 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by SSJup81 View Post
I feel the same exact way. I still don't see how serving time in the military or fighting in a war should be important factors or relevant when going for a job where one is ruling a country. Like you, I have a lot of respect for anyone who goes into the military and especially those who were unfortunate enough to be in war, but I still don't feel that that should determine one eligible to run the country.
I could imagine an upside would be the experience of how it really is to be a soldier in a war, which could help when considering to send troops (atleast it could be an advantage, maybe not).

But what of the extreme stress to the psyche, etc? I'm sure it was very hard to live in "the real world" after fighting in such a war (which seemed to show on many vets). Having been a POW, I'm sure, is even worse.

This is not directed at McCain directly, but rather as to the notion of "war vet --> qualification for presidency"

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