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(#106 (permalink))
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kitski (Offline)
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ep.004 - 03-03-2007, 05:41 PM

why there's no comment about this weeks naruto ep..
well here comes one..
on the whole it was ok..gaara was awesome as expected..strong.deidara vs gaara was very exiting.i want to see that next ep so much..but i heard that next week there isn't gonna be a naruto ep..and that we can see the next ep..the week after next week..damn..
sakura and naruto seemed so weak i the only one who thinks that?anyway...that was pretty clever of naruto to tell kakashi the ending of that perverted book..thanks to that they won and got those bells.
the next ep. is gonna be really interesting..i think..'cause the heading said "as the kazekage.."...i'm sure that gaara beats deidara(hope i write his name correctly).he just have to.

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