Originally Posted by SSJup81
Or they join out of obligation, or because they couldn't find any other type of work. I know most people join for those reasons.
That aside, I'd still go with someone who's held a political office more weight and consideration for a job as opposed to a person who served in the military. They'd probably understand how most politics work. Soldiers just do whatever their officers say.I do feel it's irrelevant to base it solely on that, and I find this insulting. I feel that actually working in Washington and knowing how things work there should have more weight or actually holding a political office should hold more weight. That aside, on McCain's side, they keep going on and on about how he was a POW. How is his being a POW significant to being the leader of a country? I'm basing it solely on the issues, what each one wants to do for the country and consider which I feel would benefit it most, and imo, I feel that Obama would.
You say "most"? You've obviously never served yourself, otherwise you would know how truly ignorant that statement is. I spent 6 years in the Army, and I know what I am talking about.
You should find my post insulting because it was meant to be. In my post I said "most soldiers", not all. There are some who enlist because of a lack of other options, but that number is, and always has been a minority.
Since when is "political" experience become a "must-have" on one's resume if one wants to be a leader? The word "politician" is synonymous with "crook" in modern language. Is there a rule that says we must replace crooks with more crooks? America is supposed to be led by the people, not by a hereditary class of politicians.
Don't ever vote with your heart, vote with your head. Vote for the best person, the the best sounding or the best looking person. People who put words or appearance above substance do so because they have no substance.
McCain sucks, I'll agree, but he sucks less than the alternative.
Working in Washington, in that never-never land of schemes, scandals, and corruption, is supposed to make you a better leader?