I have never been so disgusted as I was today by the two ads the McCain campaign put out today.
YouTube - Education
Watch this ad. And know that Obama supported a bill that passed (with both Democratic support and Republican support) to teach kindergarten children how to tell an adult they have been touched inappropriately.
Then that Obama called McCain's economic package "lipstick on a pig".
Here was the ad in response:
YouTube - John McCain Lipstick on Pig Ad re: Gov. Sarah Palin v Obama
The ad was pulled a few hours later, but it goes to show how low this Republican Party will go to win this election. They have to go low. They can't win on present record.
NBC is pissed they used Katie Couric in that ad and Obama is pissed that the WHOLE quote wasn't used (to describe his economic policy)
McCain likes that term, too
YouTube - McCAIN: LIPSTICK ON PIG OK FOR HILLARY Sarah Palin Too Frail to Handle It?
Get ready for the Republicans to try to steamroll this election with everything but issues. It is already happening.