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MissMisa (Offline)
Fashion, Games + Art Mod.
Posts: 2,466
Join Date: Mar 2008
Applying for University - 09-11-2008, 12:54 PM

Hello everyone! Basically, I am applying for a place at University and I could really do with some advice on my personal statement. It's really really important, as they normally make decisions on who gets in with the statement if there are many people with the right grades wanting to get on the course.

I already asked for advice about my CV and I got some really helpful responses from people on JF, and I also know a lot of you have been to University, so I would really appreciate it if people could read the first draft of my statement and give me some pointers on how to improve or what could be changed.

Thanks in advance!
Game Design is a currently booming industry, one of which I have been interested in since I was very little. I’ve always had a passion for design and computers, and I think a Game Design course is a perfect combination of these two skills which I have been studying for the last few years. I am particularly interested in the artistic side of Game Design, as I am a very creative person and I have done A Level Art and Design as well as Life Drawing classes in my own time to improve these skills. I want to study Game Design to further develop my skills and get a career in the industry.

As well as doing my four AS Levels, three of which I believe would be beneficial in this course, Media Studies, Product Design and Art and Design, and three A Levels in the same subjects, I have also done many things in my own time to improve my skills. Me and some other students set up a Digital Art Class in order to pass on our skills in Photoshop to students in younger years, which was very successful. My strong point is with software such as Photoshop so the experience of teaching others really reinforced my knowledge of it. I have also had two work experience placements, both in Graphic Design and Media.

The first placement was arranged by school and I worked at a Graphic Design company, and here I experienced new things, including the use of Mac computers and also Lithography printing. I also got to meet new people in the industry and it was helpful to hear about their experiences in that field.

The second placement was arranged myself and I managed to acquire work experience at BBC Leeds. I was able to work in the Graphic Design suit there too, and was also shown around all the rooms and viewed how the 6 o’ clock news was broadcast from the studio. I also got to take part in the morning briefing and it really improved my confidence and communication skills.

There are many other things I have done which helped me grow as a person. I managed to become Deputy Head Girl in Hanson School which was a privilege and because of this role I had to be very organised to make time for the extra duties I’ve had, which included showing around visitors to the school and helping out on open days.

As well as this, I have also taken part in a school run business, the Smoothie Bar, which helped me in a number of ways with my graphic skills, teamwork and co-operation skills, and also managing finances. I believe things such as being patient and motivated are good foundations for building a successful team should I need to work in one in the future.

Studying Japanese has been very rewarding for me and I really enjoy the course I decided to do part time at college. Studying a language, especially one as difficult as Japanese has improved my patience and proves that I am able to stick with subjects that may be tough at times.

All in all I have a real passion for the industry; I am a very enthusiastic and motivated individual that would really benefit from a course like this. I have an genuine interest in all areas of Game Design and really wish to experience a course specifically aimed at this kind of career. I have worked hard to better my skills and will continue to do so should you offer me a place at your University.
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