11-06-2006, 12:34 AM
Don't feel badly NinjaKasumi. If I went sad at every artist who is better than me I would have committed sepukku a long time ago.
The fact is they are not really better than you. Just different. As you draw more and more you develop your skills and as you get better you define your own personal style, and that is what is important.
You don't draw just to be better than Joe Blow, you draw to express yourself and let a part of you out in the open to let the Sun shine upon it. Make no mistake, what you draw is awesome because it is a part of you.
Of course there is always someone in this great big huge universe who will dislike what you draw. Don't pay attention to that. You draw for yourself first, then for your fan (and there are many).
Please draw more and please share with us. My day is always better when I get to see your art.
"Men, I do not order you to fight; I order you to die". ~ Mustapha Kemal at the Battle of Gallipoli