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TokyoRain (Offline)
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Here's my crush vent, comment if you wish...... - 09-11-2008, 10:31 PM

Okay, so I like this guy in my school named Jake. He's sweet, works at a ranch store, doesn't swear, seems like the type of guy that if you said something personal about him he'd blush, if he hurts you he spends the next week apologizing, he takes aikido, and is incredibly good looking. Plus, not a jock!
So one of my guy friends in his grade and I were talking and I trust my friend enough to vent to him and for him to not tell so I went about saying I really like Jake. He didn't tell mainly fussed about how cute it was. Then about a week after he knew we had a football game and a party afterwards I went to and guess what? Jake was there. Kyle asked me if I wanted him to tell him and said sure go ahead. So very nonchalantly pulled him aside and said that he "thought" that I had a a crush on Jake. Since Jake is a senior he is graduating soon, actually at the end of semester and is moving back to Missouri so he doesn't want a relationship at the moment. Which I get honestly. But I still want to hang out with him cause I like the guy, even if he has no romantic interest in me. But I don't know how to go about it since I never actually confirmed that I liked him like that he hasn't said anything so it may be a little awkward.

So I'm stuck between just asking him, dropping it and seeing him when I see him, or asking him to homecoming since he doesn't have a date.........*breaths finally*

"If I could follow my heart again it would be yours
with every breath I would find a way to love you more"
~With You by Josh Groban

"With you I have everything I have ever wanted. Simple and true. With loving eyes so beautiful." ~ With You by Josh Groban
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