Originally Posted by Msterbeau
I'm Marc. Here for a few months at least doing "training" for my U.S. based job. Would like to get out and learn more both about the immediate area and places like Nagoya, Osaka and of course, Tokyo. Web sites only offer so much info. I'm particularly interested in finding decent places to shop, clubs to dance in, etc. Looking for the "art" districts and alternative sorts of hangouts - assuming those terms have any meaning here. For clubs I'm looking for (Have found some) goth/industrial/punk ish sorta places. Something similar is acceptable. I go mad if I don't dance a couple times a month.
Thanks for listening... PM with ideas.
In Nagoya, the fringes of Osu and the backstreets around Sakae have quite a bit. I am not too up to date these days as I`m not really involved in going out all that much - having a kid does that to you - but I doubt things have changed too drastically.