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MissMisa (Offline)
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09-13-2008, 06:53 AM

Feminism is the reason women can do all the things they can do today. It absolutely disgusts me that women can even consider it has ever being a bad thing. Women died to give us the right to do things that men can, such as vote, and I think that saying being against that is just offensive. Feminism is not about being better than men, it's about being equal. There are extremist feminists who believe that they are better, and those are the ones that get the most media attention. And if you believe that every feminist is a radical one, then you are sadly mistaken. Women still face discrimination today and it's still very real. Just because it doesn't effect you in your country doesn't mean feminists can't campaign for people outside their own country. I think people are taking a very ignorant view of feminism, and basically don't have a clue about it.
Both. But neither makes it oppression. Feminism was supposed to open doors and make it possible for a woman to make her own choices. Instead, it has just changed the right choice. If you don`t make that choice, you`re being oppressed... Because, well, there is no way any woman would really choose that sort of path.
And it did? You are doing exactly what you want. Without feminists, you wouldn't be. When women were opressed, they had to stay at home. They didn't have the right to vote, or wear certain clothing, or not have kids. They had no choice between working and staying at home. Now you have a choice to either stay at home, which you are doing, or go to work which you don't want to do. I don't know what kind of people you have talked to, but if they are condemning you for making a choice to stay at home, then I wouldn't call them proper feminists. I can understand why you may feel resentment towards people who look down on you for looking after your children, but please don't consider all feminists to be that way.

Originally Posted by Wasabista View Post
I'm one of them. Feminism is a cancer. The goal of bringing women into the workforce is a good one, but the path of getting there by casting women as victims of long-standing oppression is wrong, misinformed and harmful to families. The author of your paper himself is apparently unable to distinguish between "anti-feminist" and "misogynistic."
Are you only referring to modern day feminists, or feminists that have done things for us in the past, or both? Women have been the victims of long standing opression, and are still facing it today. I don't know how much you know about the opression of women, but I've studyed it for a long time and I know it still happens. I'm not sure about Japan, so if that's what you are referring to then it's not my place to say, but if you think everything is fine and dandy for women all over the world then I'll have to disagree. I agree that people shouldn't go about what they want by making out women are the victims of men [even though in some middle east countries, they are] but in our society it's not the case anymore. I think you'll find the feminists you are talking about are radical feminists, the ones that get all the media attention, and to judge all feminists on their beliefs would be like judging a muslim by extremist muslim terrorists. Not a good idea, I'm sure you'll agree.

Last edited by MissMisa : 09-13-2008 at 07:15 AM.
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