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(#22 (permalink))
Sketchy (Offline)
Kind of a big deal
Posts: 63
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Ireland
09-13-2008, 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa
No, I don't live in Japan, I live in England. In England to find someone who is anti-feminist is quite rare, as there is a lot of English history behind feminism which I think people who are knowledgeable about it really appreciate. Those people do exist in England but as far as I know it's quite uncommon to find someone with those views. A lot of men joke about women in such a manner but I don't think they actually believe we shouldn't have equal rights.
I think there's a difference between men who are anti-feminist and and men who are against equal rights.

Feminism has certain images associated with it which aren't all appealing, I think there a lot of men that are anti-feminist in this regard. But that doesn't mean they've ever questioned womens rights.
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