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Wasabista (Offline)
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09-13-2008, 07:53 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Are you only referring to modern day feminists, or feminists that have done things for us in the past, or both? Women have been the victims of long standing opression, and are still facing it today.
Well, I'm mostly concerned about modern "victim feminists," the ones who claim, for example, that 20% or 30% of women have been raped at some point in their lives (the claim is false, and probably a deliberate lie).

But the problem for me is the idea that "women have been oppressed for thousands of years," and at last women have courageously won their freedoms, and now we men owe you big time. This line of thought can be easily dismantled.

First, we have to distinguish between two types of societies:
1) Modern nation-states like the United States, where slavery is illegal, the judiciary is largely independent, a culture of adherence to the law prevails, peaceful dispute mechanisms exist, soldiers stay in their barracks and borders are well defined and secure.

2) The world as it was from the development of agriculture to the first world war: No international law, in many cases no law of any sort as we would recognize it, shifting borders, daily violence, constant warfare.

Feminists claim they've been oppressed, but how can that be? Women were never forced to go to war. Men were. Women did not have to defend their households with their lives. Men did. If a woman was accosted in the market, who took vengeance? Her husband, or her brother. Women have always been PROTECTED by men.

Women's quest for meaningful jobs today is a real one, and an important one, but it is also recent. The word had no meaning in traditional agricultural/industrial societies, when all work was a horror chamber.

Did women have hard lives? Oh yes. Harder than men's? Hell, no. Not by a long, long shot.

And that is why, across the face of this vast Earth and throughout all recorded history, there are no records of a feminist revolution anywhere. None.

...Until the late 19th to early 20th century, when the following happened.

1. Women asked men for the vote.
2. Men, surprised to hear that they wanted it, gave it to them.
3. Er, that's it.

Not a shot fired. Revolution, indeed!

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