09-13-2008, 09:41 AM
Types of feminism I agree with:
Amazon feminism:
The type of feminism that rejects the gender role of women as the weaker sex.
It lays focus on the power of women. It seeks to promote female athleticism and warriorhood, and other things that have to do with physical strength and skill. And in such steering society towards one where women can stand on the same ground as men. The amazon feminists' dream is for a day when all sports are co-ed and women can still do as well and win as much as the men, and where women are in the draft.
Gender feminism:
Also known as equity feminism. This is a type of feminism that focuses on equality, and has no misandrous undertones. And like amazon feminism, a main target is gender roles.
Equality feminism:
Pretty much the same thing as gender and equity feminism.
It's anti-gender roles and anti-misandry.
Sex-positive feminism:
It believes that sex is ok for a woman and criticizes Victorian morals applied to women as much as the porn industry. And that the acceptance of porn and as loose sexual lifestyle being accepted is more forward than rejection of pornography based on inequality within the genre. Sex-positive feminists seek to work with a growingly sex-positive world and work to make it more equal for women. For instance, pornography that can appeal to women better instead of being universally patrifocal, and the end to the studs vs. sluts double standard.
Postmodern feminism:
Has a large focus on gender and language. But I have been told it has quite a different interpretation of how language should be changed to create a more equal world. One that I appear to agree more with. Instead of just outright saying "don't say that" it works with the context of language and how the meaning of words change. For instance, probably less likely to use the word womyn because the meaning wife-man is no longer commonly known or meant when saying it.
Types of feminism I don't agree with:
Fat feminism:
Just an excuse for fat people to be feminist. These are the people criticizing Fat Princess. And while they make a point that women are more objectified than men, discrimination is just a part of that bigger problem. And they're just using an excuse to be fat.
Difference feminism:
I'm completely at odds with the idea that "women are different, but equal or better". This ideology seeks to praise the things that are percieved as good or better about women. It's often misandrous, and often becomes separatist feminism.
Separatist feminism:
I dislike any separation of the sexes. All girl-schools, and ect. And separatist feminism, like the name implies, is where women and men live as separately as possible. Imagine a world like Magical Girl Squad Alice. And being separatist feminism, this often lends itself to lesbianism, asexuality, and even misanthropy.
Lesbian feminism:
Really, it's just an excuse for man-hating lesbians to say they're feminists.
These people are often separatist feminists, of course. Now I don't have anything wrong with lesbians or any GLBT people, personally I think we're all deep down, innately bisexual. But I don't agree with lesbian feminism.
Religious and ethnic feminism:
Really, it's just a way to bring unnecessary cultural elements into a political ideology which has no cultural affiliations and needs none called feminism.
Radical feminism:
Radical feminism is the ideology that capitalism is inherently sexist, and of course, must be overthrown. Now, I'm a socialist myself, even. But I think big business has nothing to do with sexism. While it's true that since big businesses popped up in a time that was sexist and women weren't allowed involvement, that doesn't make the system itself sexist.
Q: Who cares what other people think?!?!
A: Japanese people do.