09-13-2008, 10:44 AM
Why not stop looking at gender to begin with, and actually look at ability?
Because in my mind, that`s what it boils down to. I DON`T agree with "Amazon" feminism, because it pushes women as something they are not - ie. the stronger sex. Gender roles don`t just drop out of the sky one day - they are usually founded in some level of fact. When it comes to body size and muscular development, men do have the genetic advantage.
If a woman is indeed on equal ground with a man in sports or some activity, then she should be given all the same opportunities to compete as men. But the fact of the matter is that in a lot of cases, that is just not true. You end up with women who want to be put into places even when they AREN`T just as strong or just as capable. And that is not true equality. If a man is indeed more capable, then there is no reason his spot should be given up just so a woman can get it.
Sex-positive feminism is fine and all in regards to not discouraging sex for women - but somehow manages to completely miss out on the fact that the female brain is wired differently when it comes to sexual stimulation. Saying that the porn industry is biased toward males is just silly - I could make the same argument and say that the romance novel industry is biased toward females. There is a reason for this. In general, men find straight sexual imagery stimulating, while women find more subtle and romantic "thoughts" to be arousing. Pushing pornos for women is like pushing romance novels for men.
I usually find that the word "feminism" is used to push some form of female superiority... Otherwise why not refer to it as egalitarian?
The groups who fought in the past for equality for women can not, and should not, be compared with the modern groups that fly the flag of feminism. Every group that has done something good in the past should not be given a free pass for any wrongs committed in the future by those who use the same name. (Although the groups in the past weren`t really calling themselves feminists to begin with...)
If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.