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(#34 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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09-13-2008, 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by JoshAussie View Post
So you know i wasnt going to post on here but ended up doing it anyway. Anyway. ><. ----- Just to this bit.

In countries where feminism is needed there are generally going to be worse things going on to which women and men could help out. Why do we need feminists to stick up for women in other countries when both men and women "generally" need help. Its like "well weve got everything we want... what are we going to bitch about now?" I dont think we need women to stick up for women in other countries where bad things are happening because im sure many men would also take it upon themselves to try and help. But by being feminist to me it comes accross as being slightly sexist. (only when feminists are sticking up for women in other countries.) because the men need help aswell.. There sticking up for "equality" for women in other countries but arent doing it the right way at all because they are not thinking of everybody.

Now i cant word my posts as well as Nyororin and/or MMM but i hope everyone gets the idea. We dont need feminists. Women in developed countries should (i think) have all there "rights" which i tried to explain before. And we dont need them to stick up for women in other countries because not only women need the help.
Well in some places in the middle east, it is bad for men but way worse for women. They are regularly abused by their husbands, they don't really have a right to education and they don't have any choices and no open doors. I'm not saying we should concentrate on women, and fuck the men, there are orgnisations that help both genders, but feminism is just concentrating the womens rights.

Women care about women in other countries. They see women suffering and they want to do something. I don't think that's a bad thing at all.

Feminists can't do everything. They are only concentrating on gender equality - that's what they stand for. It doesn't mean they don't give a fuck about anything else, a person can be two things at once. It's like people campaigning for black rights, it doesn't mean they are only thinking of black people and don't give a fuck about other races.
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