Thread: Help with Kanji
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Kimu88 (Offline)
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Help with Kanji - 09-13-2008, 02:52 PM

Hi, I was just Wondering if anyone here could help me out with some Kenji "problems"?

I can't figure out how to write the signs for the number 88, 85 and 90, and the sign for strenght, I think I know how the sign for strenght looks like, but I'm not quite sure.

Would try to make a tattoo out of it, with the sign for strenght, (if it is as I think it is) with the sign for each number inside in each corner, wich represents the year of birth for me, and my brothers.

Edit: figured out the sign for Strenght, or "Chikara" (力).
But Is there anyone here that knows the sign for unity, or fellowship? or something that fits into a tatto that is supposed to represent me and my two brothers, and our familiy bonds?

Nihongo wo hanasu koto ga dekimasen
demo mada jouzu ja-armiasen

itsuka nihongo de hanseru youni naritai desu

I told you im not that skilled yet! :P

Last edited by Kimu88 : 09-13-2008 at 04:19 PM.
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