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Nyororin (Offline)
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09-13-2008, 03:20 PM

Originally Posted by Alkindus View Post
Yes just like I believe that a ´terrorist´ can never be muslim so there is no such thing as ´islamic´ terrorism and that zionists can never be jewish......

I never understood that people acknowledge that they are not what they claim they are yet still prefer calling ´them´ that what they are absolutely not...´hey what you stand for and do really has nothing to do with communism, but I still consider you a communist though´ (insert feminism etc) that kind of twisted logic really doesn´t make any sense.

basically you(not you but others) just keep the ignorancy alive.
If the majority of people I have encountered who call themselves feminists belong to a specific mindset - I have every reason to believe that is indeed what feminism is.
Someone coming along and saying, "Well, we might be in the minority, but they`re the wrong ones! Feminism is really this and this. They`re not really feminists." ... Why should I change my understanding of that word over to the meaning it carries for that minority? They are, ultimately, the minority. Their definition of the word carries less weight than how it is understood and practiced by the majority.

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Last edited by Nyororin : 09-13-2008 at 04:01 PM.
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