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Alkindus (Offline)
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09-13-2008, 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
If the majority of people I have encountered who call themselves feminists belong to a specific mindset - I have every reason to believe that is indeed what feminism is.
Someone coming along and saying, "Well, we might be in the minority, but they`re the wrong ones! Feminism is really this and this. They`re not really feminists." ... Why should I change my understanding of that word over to the meaning it carries for that minority? They are, ultimately, the minority. Their definition of the word carries less weight than how it is understood and practiced by the majority.

lol, so if you started a ´Nyororin´ movement and I would copy your name, and do things in your name etc but would do totally different things you would not have approved and would have never done you would still considered me ´nyororin´.

besides, how come you automaticly assume the majority of the feminists are like the ones you encountered? why even say the majority of all feminists are like what you said worldwide and that the ones others described

what do you know about feminists all over(especially eastern europe) that are fighting for abortion rights? or simple things like equal pay etc a lot of women worldwide are still struggling and don´t have the basic rights which we have in Japan and the live in Japan, just take a look at the countries surrounding you. there is another world outside most parts of the ´west´ where women don´t have simple rights.

here in the Netherlands, feminists only demand equal things regarding certain jobs that can be done by both male and female but are still dominated by males, which has a lot to do with certain aspects of ´discrimination´.

I know where just talking about a ´word´ and I don´t wanna dismiss your personal experience with some foolish broads but please don´t let that blind you from everything else around you. don´t forget about the feminists who really do fight for the rightious cause in many other parts of the world. I think they are the majority. from China to Mali.
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