Is this polite? -
09-14-2008, 03:41 AM
If someone could help me please. Thank you. I reci ve the private mesage pol ite, but I do not know. B ecause it was unsual mess age, to reply, I do not k now. If someone say 「Stop pretending to know Japan ese. Your Japanese sucks. 」 polite reply is 「I am s orry. Thank you for corre ction.」?I please, want be polite very much. And, I have another question pl ease.Language Exchange fr iend, say word 「sucks」 is not polite, but, in comm on conversetion is O.K., but, in polite converseti on,is rude. Is that corre ct? I am sorry I am not p olite, please forgive. I want stay here. This is g ood FORUM.Thank you so mu ch.