Thread: McCain's Speech
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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09-14-2008, 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by SatoriOne View Post
Im worried. What do people see in McCain? The man is a dirty old politician who if elected will shamelessly exercise the interests of his dirty old rich friends. Continued war in Iraq, absolution of our personal freedoms, exploitation of economic downturn. If he becomes the next president elect I will not be returning Stateside for at least another 4 years.
Which rich friends? Are you aware which political party has the largest number of millionaires as members? Hint, it's not McCain's. The majority party seems not to mind the war in Iraq at all, where they all lying when they were elected on their promise to end the war and bring the troops home? You tell me. At least McCain's actions have been conistent with his words.

I don't like McCain, but I dislike him less than Obama. You can call him a dirty politician, but he's one of the cleanest you'll find (which isn't saying much).
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