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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-14-2008, 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by Bureda View Post
You stupidity belials your vision.

You need to get your knickers off the twist and calm your manners down. My post was not an attack, but simply a mirror image of those theorems. You may not believe in those theories but you do incline in supporting them as you are a female.

You have not lived in a suppressed environment to truly understand the thinking or pain that these women went though. To you feminism is just a luxury, something you can have passive pride on without truly knowing its purpose - just because you're female.

You trying to direct your attacking post towards me does little to support your cause. You see, you are not showing me understand and respect, so my choice here is to simply return that favour.

If you truly wish to understand both sides you must be open to both points of view.

All your ignorance has said is "Look, I am a modern girl and I want equality". You have quality, you have freedom and what's more it does not really effect you as you're not a working woman.

Now, if you had to get your big arse off your seat and visited a third world country you may realise why women are treated as vessels. I am not saying its right, but I am saying that they have to do it in order to prosper.

You see, you have a choice in this country but in many countries around the world that choice does not exist. It is not because women are suppressed, it is because they are raised in that cycle and therefore have to live within that cycle to prosper.

If your father earned £150 a month at his work place do you think you would actually have much of a choice but to help your family.

Your bigotry is beyond compare, you try to understand your fellow sisters but you have no such experience.

Do you see where these women come from and how modernisation of a social group changed their views and opinions.

You're attacking her for views she doesn't even hold and have gone on to build a strawman.

And are you attempting to justify the oppression of women in third world societies by saying that it's necessary? I'm talking honour killings, female circumcision etc.

Obviously things like environment (social and natural) have to be taken into account but to suggest that feminism is null and void because the way in which it's applied in one society is not practical in another is kinda stupid.
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