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(#61 (permalink))
Bureda (Offline)
Posts: 565
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: London
09-14-2008, 03:35 PM

I brought it up because people needs to evaluate their views par to condition. You have a student talking about feminism like she's the mother Terresa of feminism.

Feminism is not as relevant in this era as there's always a way to solve that issue or a person to see.

I am harsh in everything I do, if you don't like it you can piss off, nothing will change that.

Anyway, wtf, back to topic, don't try to sound smart when you're simply picking on random subjects.

My post was blatant attack on Misa, so I don't see why a white knight in shining armour needs to get involve or tell people it was an attack.

You got a cock, she doesn't need your help, therefore piss off.
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