09-14-2008, 04:29 PM
Back in the day, I considered myself a feminist, dude and all. I did that for about the better portion of the day, before realizing I was wasting my time believing that women should have equal rights just as men do because they're a woman.
Should women get equal treatment in every aspect of life, just as men do. Absolutely, the answer's obvious. Should women victimize themselves extremely under ordinary circumstances in order to get to that point by? Hell no, it defeats the point of what feminism was created to do, which is create equal rights for everyone. Sure, Aristotle states that in order to get an uneven situation back into equilibrium, one needs to apply more force to the uneven side, but women have been doing that for years and we're still at a standstill.
How in the world do people reach 1,000+ posts?